Cindy P


Arlington, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Ft. Worth, TX
About Me:
I am a dog lover. By profession I am a nurse. My dream job would be a job where I could bring my dogs. I love to go to the dog park and play. Texas is my home, and I am a Texas Aggie.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi boy is Cragar. He just turned 1 in March. He is the cutest, sweetest corgi in the world. He loves to run and play at the dog park. I am teaching him to fetch. He loves bones and hooves and also all kinds of treats. He gives great kisses and is always by my side. I lost my dear Dixie at 9 years to undiagnosed diabetes. It almost broke my heart. Cragar has helped me heal. Corgis are the most wonderful dogs ever. I will never be without a corgi!
We have added another corgi to our family named Brody. He is a sable with a beautiful white muzzle and feet. He is so sweet ann cute. So much corgi love!!!
I have:

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  • Christen & Bentley

    Thanks Cindy, yeah I cant wait to get some loving from him. I also cant wait to love on him, it doesnt look like he has much love & care lately.
  • Renata M.

    Really!!!!! I'm going to try for sure....she is running way from me now...hahahahhahaah it's soooo stressful...Thank you :))
  • Cody

    Happy Birthday!