

Wildwood, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in a little town called Wildwood here in central Florida with my husband and young son. We have Blossom, our Basset Hound and of course there is Baylee our Corgi. We have two cats, Maddie and Sebastian and two guinea pigs.
About My Corgi(s):
Baylee was born Dec 4, 2007. I never knew how charming a Corgi can be until we added Baylee to our family. She has etched a permanent place in our family and in our hearts.

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  • Nicola Porter

    Thanks for the invite. Is it getting as hot there as it is here, phew it's hot.
  • Christen & Bentley

    Angie, thanks for adding me as a friend, Love he dogs.....I also have a beagle/basset mix (Cash)........
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    wow, it has been a while since i have been on the site. amazing that Bailey had puppies. are you going to have any more in the future? I think i want another corgi and wil be looking for one . those pups are beautiful. congratulations.