Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt


San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Francisco, CA
About Me:
i LOVE my pembroke welsh corgis!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hayley is a female red and white Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy. She was born on June 24, 2008. She can be really shy towards strangers, especially small children. But once she gets to know you, she is very playful, affectionate, and super sassy. Hayley loves rawhide chew bones, squeaky toys, belly rubs, and sleeping on her back. She has grown to be a very active pup. She absolutely enjoys playing fetch, swimming, jumping through hoops and over fences (really low garden fences!), and running around the park. Her favorite walks include Crissy Field and Fort Funston.

Bolt and Roxy are two very outgoing tri-colored Pembroke Welsh Corgis. They are brother and sister, born on April 17, 2009. Bolt has grown to become a very affectionate little guy. He loves to cuddle now! He definitely hated that when he was younger...he was so squirmy! Bolt also loves to play fetch, wrestle, and swim! Swimming at Crissy Field seems to be his absolute favorite. Roxy is such a sweet and lovable little pup! She's an absolute girly girl. Like Hayley, she's a bit shy, but once she gets to know you, Roxy is a very fun-loving and loyal corgi.
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  • Karen & Bailey

    Your two tris remind me of bailey - which breeder did you get them from?? and they look to be big corgis like mine is. bailey is 35 lbs!


    the meetup is every 2nd saturday, 1pm, at mountain lake. We are almost always there every month. The group changes month to month, but Bailey and Cow (a tri corgi) are two staples in the group, and are always there. The next meetup will be in two weeks, july 9th! so we hope to see you there!!!!


    We frequent crissy beach about twice a month and fort funston on the weekend mornings and sometimes after work on the weekdays! Hope to run into you guys sometime!


    Karen and Bailey

  • Karen & Bailey

    oh and! bailey loves to swim at crissy field too!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    cool! Bailey is 35 lbs but i think hes a lean just big, its just that most corgis i see are in the 20's and at the meetup, baileys the biggest corgi! :P

    ok have a great vacation!