Emily McCarty


Santa Clarita, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Emily, and my dog is Cooper. I always wanted a Corgi, and finally got him in seventh grade, as my first dog ever! I love my silly Corgi more than anything!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cooper is 2 years old, and a "big boned" Corgi. He thinks that he is a people, but doesn't make friends with dogs too often. He has 2 bestfriends, a shebahinu and a chihuahua. He has never gotten in a fight with another dog or a person, and is very sweet. He sleeps all day long and had his own twin bed at night! He is very spoiled!
I have:

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  • Garrett, Katie, & Conan

    Hey there! Cooper and Conan are from the same breeder and are the same age! Who are Cooper's parents? They could be brothers!
  • Kaye Beebe

    Cooper is gorgeous! My Eddie is from the same breeder - his parents are Gilby and Fannie.
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hi there. I see your beautiful pup does agility? I am entering quixote into agility lessons and she starts this saturday, i am so excited. Did you do classes or teach him how to do those jumps yourself?