
, Female

Profile Information:

SE Michigan
About Me:
Proud Corgi mom - can't imagine life without a little fluffy butt around!
About My Corgi(s):
Spencer is a 5-1/2 year old PWC red-headed tri, who came into our home in March, 2008 from a local shelter. He is our sweet, cuddly BIG boy, his personality comes out more every day.

Ki was our first Corgi, she was a PWC sable/white, she passed away in January, 2008 at the age of 13. She was our sassy little tough girl with LOTS of attitude. We still miss her everyday.

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  • Cindi

    Hi! That weight thing is tough. Our newest rescue, Rudy, is a BIG boy. He originally weighed in at 40 lbs. Even though he's big, he could stand to lose some. On an appropriate diet, I would guess (because he's too aggressive to take to the vet and weigh yet) he's down about 10 lbs. That's a decent weight, considering his body structure. I always tell folks to look at the body structure. Like a person, they should have a defined chest, waist and hips without being boney. Either way, they need the help getting there - corgis have NO will power when it comes to food and treats! :-)
  • DWBarrs

    I can't believe Spencer was in a shelter. I can't bear the thought of what could have happened to him if he had not come to your home. How did you find him? He is just adorable.
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Hi Iris and Spencer. What lovely pictures you have. Ki was very beautiful. Spencer is very handsome. Hope you can make the meet up in AA in the 16th!