Rachel and Ray


Brick, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Brick, NJ
About Me:
We are in our own house now and it's corgi friendly. We have been engaged for about a year and our fluffy little girls are the center of our world!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sage is 5 and Emmy is 2. They love to rough house with each other and their best trick is shedding (yes we furminate them)! Sage's favorite place is under the bed and Emmy's is anywhere by me or Ray. Sage is more calm and obedient, while Emmy is a wild child who has better things to do than come when you call her. She never wants to sleep because she thinks she will miss something exciting (which is why you will notice the puppy-bags under her eyes). Sage is a total daddy's girl, while Emmy doesn't play favorites.
I have:

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  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Deanna

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    That is the #1 question I am asked and its actually quite easy..just place them..tell them to stay and then hold up my hand and tell them to Watch Me and they will follow my hand where ever I put it. I'm a stay home mom so I spend alot of time w/them. Your Welcome btw and hope you had a spectacular day.