

Las Vegas,NV

United States

Profile Information:

Las Vegas
About Me:
I have one Pembroke and two Cardigans and love them beyond words.
About My Corgi(s):
Rory is a Blue Merle Cardigan, he was a year when we bought him from a cattle farm in California. He is the best snuggler. Baxter is a Brindle Cardigan and I have had him since pup, he was the first. Barkley is so cute the only Pembroke and the garbage disposal seems to gain weight the easiest.

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  • Arlette

    your dog looks alot like mine!! :)
  • CaptainCorgi

    Lovely Corgis! <3 <3 One is never enough, huh? :)
  • CaptainCorgi

    Oh yes, we do a lot of hikes. Now that it's getting cooler, we'll probably find the time to be going out everyday. That would be awesome to do a corgi hike! We should try and make that happen.