Jill and JOSIE

Valparaiso, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Northeast Tennessee small town
About Me:
Love my pups!! I live on a farm and have 2 great Pyrenees, a boxer puppy, and a 16 yr. old miniature schnauzer.
My partner and I raise llamas and miniature equine (horses and donkeys). 2008 was a rough year, we lost our 71/2 year old Great Dane in November, and our 14 year old Mini Dachshund just after Christmas....needless to say, heartbreaking. So into the mix is Maci, a 5 month old fawn boxer, and now a 4 month old Cardi, Josie . I am a Physical Therapist, and my Dane was the most wonderful certified therapy dog ever!! We have horses and goats, and crazy chickens (the rooster got injured Christmas eve night and spent 2 nights in the basement kennel). I love my life and my dogs most of all...they are my babies!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Yay!! I have found a puppy (4 months old, gorgeous tri female Cardigan)!! She arrived Friday, January 9, 2009!! New pics are posted and she is fitting in wonderfully with the menagerie of critters on the farm!!! CORGIS ROCK!!!
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Alice

    I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope treatment goes well. My dad had cancer a couple years ago and it was very difficult to deal with but we were lucky that with surgery they were able to remove it all. That was actually the 2nd time he had it. The first time was 15 years prior to that. Best wishes to you and your mom.

    I'm glad Maci's condition is under control. As for Josie, what kind of things is she afraid of? Finn tends to be a bit jumpy around new things like a bag on the floor that wasn't there before or a sound he isn't familiar with but in general he's outgoing. How old is Josie now?
  • Corgi Mom

    I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond. How have you been doing? Just remember, "Corgi's are like Lays Potato Chips. You can't have just one."
