Fozzie Bear


United States

Profile Information:

Folsom, CA
About Me:
I'm Erica, Fozzie's biggest fan... ahem... owner. Fozzie is the sunshine of my life. : )

One day, I hope to get a Cardigan Welsh Corgi... hopefully show quality. But, I love my little mongrel boy!
About My Corgi(s):
Fozzie is a 2 year-old Cardi Corgi mix... mixed with, only God knows what. I adopted him from a rescue when he was 9 weeks old.

The Fozzmeister enjoys everyone, everything, and everywhere. Particularly food and the ladies! His favorite passtimes include but are not limited to: eating, chasing hoses, cuddling, sassing off, & being the coolest dog in the dog park. He obviously takes after his Corgi heritage, in looks and personality.

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  • Bryan

    Ha! :-) Absolutely!
  • Bryan

    Oh my God...what a crackup!! Those puppy pictures are hilarious! Picture #5 is the best. He looks like a sleepy grumpy little devil with the biggest paws I've ever it! :-)

    Come to the annual SoCal Corgi Picnic and meet Simon and Blue!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank you so much for the sweet comments on Lance, we appreciate it. I love Fozzies name, so cute. Fozzie is so cute, he looks like he is so much fun and has so much character. Corgis are characters arent they. Love all the expressions in his pictures. Love all your pictures of Fozzie. : ) Oh yeah, and his blue eye is awesome shade of blue.