Barbara Oberholtzer


Asheville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Asheville, NC
About Me:
I have been a member since "my corgi" began, but listed under another email address that I no longer can access. Please look at "Barb & Bailey" to see profile.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi is "Be Bop Bailey" and he is a tri=color pem. On Sept. 12, 2013 he will be 4 years old.
I have:

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  • Lois B. Allen

    How is Bailey now?  I hope he is doing well?

  • Roger/Laurie

    Hope you can attend the NC Corgi Picnic in October.  It is a fun day.

  • Patricia and corgi Layla

    Barbara, thank you... I am so grateful for your advice. I purchased Nupro and this supplement really works. Layla's health has improved. Within two weeks, my dog's energy level picked up and she doesn't limp anymore. I am more than pleased with Nupro and so is Layla.  She licks it to the last drop :). Her coat is also amazing. Thank you once again. Have a great week Barbara!