
Renton, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi, my name is Nina and I am a proud mother of 2 girls ages 15 and 8. They are the reason I strive everyday to be my best and just one of the major reasons I also decided to go back to school to pursue my degree in Medical Office.

I love, LOVE, Corgi's. When I see one, which is not to often where I live, I just want to hug and squeeze em. I'm hoping that one day of having one more but, It won't be for a few years. Right now, me and my family just love Spartan. He's my baby boy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Spartan was born Nov. 3rd, 2008. We have had him since he was 3 months old and he's grown into such a wonderful blessing to us. He's affectionate, loves to watch movies with me and help me with my homework by dropping his ball on my books and after that, with those puppy eyes Corgi's possess, I just have to throw it. He doesn't like balloons and looks forward to trying to bite the vaccum when I'm cleaning. I don't think he can live without his ball, or running around at top notch speed when I take him for walks. He's so fun to take on's helped me to shed 30 pounds.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Anneke

    Thanks for the Welcome! Spartan is such a handsome boy!
  • Yazzy & Lola Marii

    hihi! remember me? ^-^