
40, Female

Baltimore, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Hampton, NH
About Me:
Just graduated from UNH, working for the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore! Me & little Calli are exploring the new city!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Corky was my red and white puppy who was full of love and had a spunky personality. She loved to run on the beach with me and was always looking to play...she was a bundle of love. Unfortunately, she died accidentally in May when she was 10 months old. I was devastated and still miss her very much.

In June of '08 I bought little Calli from a breeder in Nebraska. She is a tri-colored mini corgi and is my little angel! She is smart, outgoing, and a ball of love which she shares with everyone she meets. She has been my saving grace and lights up the darkest of my days. :)
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