
Vero Beach, FL

United States

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Spring City TN
About Me:
I am retired now and we have move Dyllan and Korie to the mountains in TN.They love it here ..


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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dyllan will be four this December, he has two sisters who live with him . Our Greman sheppherd Korie who is also 4 and we rescued a wire haired terrior we call Jenji and guess she is around 2.
I have:

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  • Bev Levy

    Yes we have a big dog too. Misty was my son's dog and when he went back to college they moved in with us. Then my son went to the Czech Republic and somehow we ended up with an additional dog! Korie is a beauty and it is good she and Dyllan get along. My corgis definitely boss the dobe around! Fortunately she is pretty mild mannered. Have a great time on your vacation. We find we always have more fun when the dogs are along!
  • Kassi Hawkins

    I just found this blog a few days ago and can't stay off it.  All these furry butts and poofy nubs have such a soft spot in my heart.  I saw Dyllan and had to write!  Their alikeness (I don't think this is a word lol) is just uncanny.  I love the German Shepard too....perhaps my future since my fiance would really love a German Shepard and I love my Corgi butts!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Wow you put a lot of new pictures on here!! Nice!!