Les ley


Edmonton, AB


Profile Information:

Edmonton, AB
About Me:
Just adopted our first Corgi (mix) in May and we're sold!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mikey-was originally Petey. We adopted him from Meadow Lake Humane Society and are so happy that they kept trying to find the right home for him (two years!). What a fantastic shelter!

Mikey is the most affectionate, silly and loving dog I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He LOVES toys, any toy (including non-toy items like my clothing or shoes!!) is fun for him. He wags his tail constantly and always has his "Corgi Smile' on full. He loves everyone he meets but especially has a soft spot for children (the smaller the better!).

He came to us sort of knowing how to sit and that's it. He's picking up basic commands, and is so eager to please.

We are starting obediance training with him in the next few weeks, with the hopes of going on to do agility training-he is so full of energy and vigor we know he needs activities to keep him learning and running.
I have:
Corgi mix

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  • Therese Hansell

    Hi guys! We are in Edmonton, we adopted Finnegan from SCARS back in April, as you can see he is also a Corgi-X. He was almost 8 weeks when we got him, and has been wonderful pup. Alas Mr. Finnegan is very energetic, so we got him a playmate 2 weeks ago, also a Corgi-X and another SCARS rescue dog. Her name when we got her was Meadow, she is now Casey. They are the greatest pups, both love to play and are lively and smart.
  • Therese Hansell

    We can't wait to take them to the off leash parks as well, they are not trained off leash yet as they are still pretty young. Casey had never been on a leash when we got her, so we are training her on all the basics now., sort of like your situation. She is picking it up quickly, bless her little heart! She lived in terrible conditions in her previous life, they moved away and abandoned her with the house, with a tummy full of pups!!?? Imagine??
  • Therese Hansell

    Very good advice we will try that!!