Cagney & Lacey & Chapin


Minneapolis, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We are two social workers (Jaxi and Becky) who love our two corgis and our Augie (corgi/aussie cross).

Becky has her own my corgi account and can be found at:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cagney is a tricolored Pembroke mini we rescued so we do not know too much about her history. She joined us in June 2008. Cagney has the narrower foxier face. Cagney has claimed me (Jaxi) as her human. And once claimed by a corgi ... well you know :-) We decided to make life easier we would give Cagney my birthday. So her birth date as far as we're concerned is February 7, 2006.

Chapin is also a tricolored Pembroke mini. We got her from a breeder in California. She joined our family in July 2008. Chapin has the white streak on her forehead. Chapin has claimed Becky as her human. It is hoot since the both are energetic little balls of energy. It is a perfect pairing. Chapin's birthday is August 11, 2007.

Oh and a note about what I mean by "mini" corgi. Both of our girls are around 16 lbs give or take. We try hard to keep them fit and not overfed, although like most corgis I know, they will try to convince you they are starving. They are both full grown as far as height and length. At least I think they are. But might fill in a little in width, fullness of chest. But I never expect either of them will ever get above 20 lbs. We know Chapin had "normal" sized parents. On the smaller end of normal but normal and she was the smallest of the litter. We do not know if Cagney was like Chapin and just happened to be smaller or if the folks who had her were deliberately trying to breed smaller than normal corgis. Regardless we absolutely love them and love their size. They will always have that puppy look to them.

And last but certainly not least ... Lacey has joined our family in July 2009. She is an "Augie" or a corgi/mini aussie cross. Her birthday is February 10, 2009. She is a real cutie. If you know both breeds you can clearly see both in her. The girls (Cagney and Chapin) are warming up to the little ball of energy. She is a bit timid and smart as a whip. She's going to keep us all on our toes!! She is quite small and may not even get as big as Cagney and Chapin when she's full grown.
I have:

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  • Addie Inman Solchenberger

    Pretty girls! We have a similar situation with our girls, one for me and one for my husband. Oddly they seem to reflect our personalities! Although, I think our girls might be "grande's" :)
  • David & Robin Fritz

    Are you ready for the dog park yet? Let's go!
  • David & Robin Fritz

    Chloe sends wishes to all. Has been a long winter, hope we can see you soon.