

Brighton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Owner of Lily. Female lovebug. From a breeder who did not sell Lily due to a gene defect she did not want propagated.

Owner of Camber; a 7 year old tri-colored Corgi that we rescued in March 2008. Died 1-18-2014.

My girlfriend Elys is also post on this forum about Camber.

I am in IT and a partner in a micro-machining / prototype company that is family run and based out of Switzerland.

I am into cycling, F1, and collecting wine and vintage port.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
She was a kennel dog that we rescued and likes my girlfriend more than me. Good on the leash, but often frieghtened, rarely affectionate, and does not know how to play. She rarely looks me in the eye and I am the one who walks her, feeds her, and brushes her... No love from that dog!

She is certainly sweet and everyone adores her as she is so quiet and never barks. She is not much for dog treats, and does not know what toys are.

I would like to see her get out of her shell.

Her favorite spots are the corner of our couch, corner of our bed room, and in front of our sub-woofer.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Corgis and Jess

    Hi mosesbotbol:  Two of my Corgis were used for breeding and showing.  The Tri girl "Sally" has a great personality.  She plays and is very loving.  She likes her toys and is also a good watch dog.  The other red Corgi "Chloe" is 7 yrs. old now and is the same as yours.  She doesn't know how to play and doesn't know what toys are.  She has her spot between our couch and chair and doesn't move from it much.  If I didn't walk her, she wouldn't get much exercise at all.  That may explain why she weighed 38 lbs. when I got her.  I've had her for 1 yr. now and I put her on a diet and walk her 3 times a day.  She has lost 3 lbs. since last yr.  She is very affectionate though.  She sticks to me like glue and won't let me out of her sight.  I got my youngest Corgi "Jake" when he was 10 wks. old.  What a difference.  He loves to play fetch and has a great personality.  He does a few tricks too.  It makes a difference when you raise them yourself but I'm all for adopting older dogs.  Where would they end up and what kind of a life would they have if people didn't adopt them and love them?  At least they will have a good life from now on.  Your Corgi is very sweet.
  • Annette A.

    We're aiming to get a corgi in Spring 2014. We want to take time to plan, get our vacations out of the way, learn, etc.  I haven't seen any corgis in the neighborhood actually. Do you hang out by the dog park?

  • Abbey & Anne

    Welcome to my corgi. Lily is a beautiful little lady, for sure!