
57, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Kirkland Wa
About Me:
Mother of two, doggie mom of one and hopefully soon another, we live in what seems now the corgi capital, I have never seen so many corgi in one place ,Kirkland is the Korgi place to be!
About My Corgi(s):
Tova is a Blue Merle Cardigan, i have wanted a blue merle cardi for some time, although seemingly they were quite rare, in my quest i gave up and just started looking anywhere to get a new member for our family. Someone i talked to said that there was a blue merle breeder quite close to me and if it was not planned it must have been really fantastic luck, he just had a litter. Tova was meant to be...As will our second one.

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  • Bonnie Mills

    I just read about how hard you found it to find a Blue merle. I have a similar situation with my Blue merle Cardi. My family and I waited for 2 years for a Blue merle, although in that time we found litters with Blue merles in them, the breeders were not willing to sell us their pups. Strange we though, but then we realized just how prized the Blue merles are. After 2 years we found our baby, Mab. Blue merles really are stunning as is yours. Tova is a beautiful looking Corgi and dog.

  • Liz Hart

    I just started a blue merle group. Can I convince you to join? Right now it's just me and my dog.
  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    hi valerie!beautiful pup!!our leader sam thought i should ask you about camping with our short-legged guys.we've gone tent camping,but now have a trailor.any problems with the steps?thanx ahead of time!