Sunni A.


Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Fairbanks, AK
About Me:
I enjoy everything the NW has to offer- food, wine, and the outdoorsy lifestyle.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Eddy is 13. He is a redheaded tri color pem from Dallas, OR. Enjoys swimming, performing new tricks in front of crowds, and being first at everything. Hates birds, squirrels, waiting, and not having a treat.
I have:

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  • Mary and Rosie

    Wow! They are half-siblings, that's so cool. Eddy does look a lot like Curious George. I picked Rosie up the third week in April so I'll bet she and Eddy played together at the breeders. =)
  • Mary and Rosie

     Both Eddy and Rosie seem to have a glint of mischief in their eyes. lol!

    And secret mischievous fox like faces too? Definitely! =)
  • Rebecca and Poppy

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome!!