Ashley & Winston


Pflugerville, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Stockton, TX
About Me:
Hi! I just got a corgi, hes 5 months! He's kindof become my world, I had my fourth back surgery in September and I got Winston in October. You could say hes my recovery pet! Corgis are great aren't they?
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Winston. Male, 5 months, hes so affectionate and loving.
I have:

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  • Roger

    Winston's picture is awesome in the calender! Way to represent, Texas!

    We will be at Auditorium Shores next's on the event page. Hope you can come..spread the word!
  • Nancy Liu

    Hello Ashley and Winston,
    I really enjoyed your picture on the calendar!
    I have your page separated from the calendar and hope you are willing to do a SWOP.
    I can send you your page, if you could send me the the page of my pup - Radar, Portsmouth, RI (February).
    Please note: I do have a hang hole punched into the top center edge.

    If you would like to swap then send me an email so we can trade mailing addresses to
    Thanks and have a CORGI DAY!
  • Nancy Liu

    Hi Ashley-
    I would like to do a swap of the calendar pages because my dog (Radar - Portsmouth, RI) is pictured on the Feb. 2010 (back side of Jan. page) calendar. I assume it is you dog Winston that is also in the calendar. So, if you would like the page with Winston on it, and have the one with Radar then maybe we could swop them with each other.
    Take care,
    Nancy & Radar