
56, Female

Hudson Falls, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a married mom of 3. We have 2 ponies, and a yellow lab, and of coarse Riley our Corgi. He will be a year Mar 23. I work part time. My oldest is 16 and likes golf and tennis, my 13 yo rides and shows ponies and my youngest 11 is on a competive gymnastic team. We live in upstate NY
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My kids and I wanted a corgi. We see lots of them at horse shows and have learned a lot about them. My husband didnt want another pet. But my middle child spent 8 months in the hospital and finally was well enough to get out and go into rehab. My husband told her if she works hard and doesnt have to go to rehab he would get her a corgi puppy. And let me tell you....It is hard to explain how much joy and happiness our corgi has given our whole family. If any of us are down, Riley brings a smile to our faces. Riley is VERY smart. My middle daughter, Erin, has brought him to obedience school and will be starting agilty with him. She is also bringing him to confirmation classes and would like to show him
I have:

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  • Deanna

  • Chris

  • JILL

    Hello Susan - I was born at Glens Falls Hospital many years ago - My Mom and her family were all from Hudson Falls and my Dad's family was from Fort Edward. Nice to see a corgi from my home town!!