Lori Odishoo


Berlin, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Berlin CT
About Me:
I am happily owned by 2 Cardigan Welsh Corgis and an Australian Shepherd
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Efan 12 yo
Emme 7 months
I have:

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  • propspony

    hi Lori! :-)
  • Katie

    Unreal! Efan is all grown up. Emme is adorable. Her markeings are almost the mirror image of Efans.
  • Kelsey Baker

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Yeah, that grey horse is so well broke that he doesn't care about Gus riding with me, but the sorrel horse took a while to get him used to the idea. The first year or so that I would pull Gus up on with me he would buck and crow hop for a few minutes before he'd settle down and accept things. But he's totally used to it now and rarely crow hops.

    It does get a little hairy though trying to ride a crow hoping horse and hold a dog in place until he settles down though!