Cookie Y.

16, Female

Woodridge, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Woodridge, IL
About Me:
We added a cute Corgi girl to our family on May 10, 2008. Now, we currently have almost all girls: 2 girls (adopted at birth, they are bio-sisters), 1 girl cat, and now, 1 girl puppy. The head of our household is a male (who believes that?).
About My Corgi(s):
Cookie is 4 months old and is a red and white Corgi. She is a typical puppy, and has spent 5 days with us. Since she came from a rural area in Iowa, our life is very different. (I don't think she likes being indoors all day while we are at school/work.)

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  • Anna Radlinger

    Clancy and I are happy to accept.
  • Bella Ball Corrolli

    Hi Cookie! Saw you guys were in Woodridge... we're in Wheaton! Do you go to any of the dog parks around here?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I just realized its been 2 years since you got Cookie, how time flies!!