Linsey & Grissom


Orem, UT

United States

Profile Information:

San Diego, CA
About Me:
My name is Linsey. I've loved Pembroke Welsh Corgis for many years and finally was able to get one of my own on New Year's 2009.
I grew up in San Diego, but have lived in a few places in the last two years and an currently settled in Orem, UT... but will be moving to Vegas soon!
I have two dogs, my Corgi Grissom, and my Shepherd/ Golden mix, Champ.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Right now I only have one Corgi, a Pembroke named Grissom born November 6th, 2008. We were going to do agility with him, but when I moved out of Denver to Utah that dream died a little. Utah isn't very dog friendly. :-(
Grissom loves to go to the doggy daycare I work at and play with all his friends. He's most attached to his big brother, Champ, my Shepherd/ Golden mix.
I have:

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  • Alice

    I love Grissoms name! Reminds me of CSI. :)
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday Grissom!!!! Freya just had hers on the 1st of November and she's 1 years old too:D.

    I read in another discussion that Grissom is on the small side too. How much does he weigh?
  • Samantha, Daxter and Seeka!

    your grissom looks like my Dax did when he came to daycare with me 5 days a a skinny torpedo....haha he's adorable!