Zach and Lisa


Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Chesterfield, IN
About Me:
I am a recent graduate of Purdue University. Lisa and I live in Louisville, KY and we currently have 2 corgi's, Midas and Dozer.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Midas, born on May 24, 2008, is our first Corgi who made us fall in love with the breed. He is sable colored. Midas is a goofball who loves to play fetch and tug but will also cozy up with you as well. Sometimes he gets a little excited with his Corgi kisses and will leap all over you with joy. So beware, he is a kisser!

Dozer is our newest addition. He was born on March 30, 2010. He is a furball!!! He loves to play with Midas with ropes, still working on fetch. He definitely has a gator chomp! Dozer is a Black Headed Tri.
I have:

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  • Murphy Brutus Heidorf

    Right now, Our dogpark is our backyard ....Murph is very social but we live out in Prospect - so I don't get him in to the parks - like Cherokee. When it cools off a bit would love to meet you guys for a romp.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, how is Louisville, hope things are going well.  Does it seem like you moved a year ago already?  Midas kinda reminds me of our new rescue Tucker, our red and white pembroke.  How is Midas and Dozer getting along?
  • Kelly

    Do you have a link to it??  I've seen the "I'm here to make your Monday suck less" photo of him everywhere.. but not something in advertising.  Let me know!! Thanks :)