Michelle B


Santa Cruz, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Santa Cruz
About Me:
I love corgis and wish I had a big piece of property so I could have many more.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ruby Lu is a 2 year old red and whie Pembroke Welsh Corgi and recently I rescued a puppy from the SPCA. His name is Romeo and he is a corgi/mix? They said his mom was a Corgi and not sure what dad was. He has a lot of Corgi body features, but his face does not look very Corgi. He is super cute and very playful. Ruby loves him, but sometimes he needs to be taught who the boss is- her!
I have:

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  • Anne

    Great pictures! love the one of the dogs touching noises. Ruby Lu is very pretty.
  • Anne

    My parents PWC, Punch is a real 'talker' too. He barks and barks at the other dogs as he tries o herd them. Luckily ours and my sister's do not bark back; though my sister has gotten a 2nd dog who is more vocal so should be interesting this Summer. I like the talking and Le-Le is starting a rare moments to make the cute noises that corgis make plus bark once or twice. She is a good watch dog also and bark if someone come to the door.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Love the profile pic, so happy!! Lance agrees to it is great fun to run and frap around the Christmas tree.  We have pics on Lances page of him runnning circles around our tree!!