Phog's Mama


Gardner, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Gardner, KS
About Me:
I am big Kansas Jayhawk fan that is why I named my Cardigan Welsh Corgi Phog. I fell in love with the Cardigan's because of a family member that had one. I don't know if I could own another breed of dog.
About My Corgi(s):
I have one Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Her name is Phog. She just turned 7 at the end of November. Phog enjoys walking around the neighborhood. The kids in my neighborhood love her because she is always trying to herd them into the right area and they get a kick out of eluding her. They always ask to play "tag" with her.

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  • Alice

    I wondered if the tape would hurt to remove as well so that's good to know. :)
  • Alice

    You guys should come join the new Blue Crew group. Hope to see you there. :)
  • Colston's & Monster

    She's soooo pretty!!!