


United States

Profile Information:

boston, ma
About Me:
i work in publishing
About My Corgi(s):
we have a rescued tricolor corgi named maggie, age 7 as of june! we adopted her about a year ago, thanks to a wonderful organization called little legs rescue. little legs brings corgis and corgi mixes from overcrowded shelters in the south to new england, where they're fostered until they're adopted. when maggie reached her foster family, she was in bad shape. but now, it's like she's a completely different dog -- happy and healthy and displaying none of the neuroses (paw chewing/licking, cowering under tables, etc.) that she had originally. i am honored to be able to give her a good home and she has enriched my life to no end!

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  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome patrice and maggie
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Patrice, Maggie and family!
  • Codie Bear

    codie's a little ball of energy and we're loving every minute of it, i noticed you live in boston? we're trying to find codie some corgi friends, he currently only has kitty friends. would you ever be interested in play dates?