Kristen & Nora

Minneapolis, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Pickford, MI
About Me:
I work at a college in Minneapolis and live in a dog friendly apartment complex with my cardi, Nora, & my cat Lily. I enjoy walks around our many lakes, or hiking at some of the local state parks. I camp several times a year! I grew up a farm girl and I while I live in the city you can't really take the farm girl out of me.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I brought Nora home on May 25, 2012. She is a 3 year old brindle cardi and a super sweet heart!
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    Glad we could meet up today! This is by that stone wall. I was very impressed with Nora:)

  • Jane Christensen

    I am so happy all the dogs got along so well that day:) I wasn't sure about bring 2 dogs BUT it worked and they all loved it!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi!  I happened to see on another thread about the UP of Michigan!  My husband grew up going to the Upper Peninsula as a kid, and we now take our kids/dogs every summer if we can.  My in laws live in Eagle Harbor, walking distance from Lake Superior!  I still need to upload the pics of Lance and Tucker from this years trip.