Susan and Jack

Amelia Island, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

We live on lovely Amelia Island, Florida, the northern most point on the Atlantic coast of Florida.
About Me:
Animal lovers extraordinaire!
About My Corgi(s):
Our Mia was born on June 26, 2005. We rescued her from an abusive situation when she was 1.5 years old. She is a gorgeous purebred, petite, athletic, and extremely intelligent Pembroke Welsh Corgi. We've put a LOT of time, money and energy into training her because she obviously had a rough start in life. She was never socialized properly as she was kept in a crate for the entire day, day after long day, for the first year and a half of her precious life!!! She is still a problem for us in public because she's aggressive with all other dogs. She is 110% sweet and gentle with ALL humans, but doesn't like other dogs. This is our biggest problem with our Mia. We also have a purebred long-haired standard dachshund puppy named Sadie. They get along very well ... sometimes, but Mia started being very aggressive toward Sadie a few months ago. So, off to the trainer again! Wow! It's been quite a challenge, but I'm happy to report that our love and diligence has paid off. We seem to have turned a corner with Mia's aggression toward Sadie. Now, they're playing together very well, but I ALWAYS have one eye on Mia, and I think I always will. We love both of them and we are devoted parents. Mia needs a very firm hand, a true pack leader, or she gets way too bossy! She will definitely take over this family, IF we aren't on our toes with her. She knows I mean business -- Drill Sargeant Mommy -- and she has responded to the new boundaries we have set for her. It's been a challenge, but a great learning experience for us. Looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your little darlings :-)

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  • Rabbit

    I just got a pup, and one of the main things I want to do with her is to teach her to kayak... I'm so happy to see your pictures~! How did it work out? Did you do any training leading up to her getting in the boat?
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hi Susan and Jack. I am sorry that we are so late in writing back but the last two weeks we have been working non-stop. When I said that we brought you some new neighbors that is just what we did. We are contractors with United Van Lines in household moving. We love the south eastern coast but have not had the oppurtunity to visit in a couple of months. The last was to Isle of Palms N.C. That is a bit north of you though. We are in L.A. today but heading back to Texas (Houston) in the morning.
  • Katie

    Hi Susan/Jack,

    I have started working with a trainer to start getting over my male corgi's aggression which is also due to lack of socialization. Can you tell me what your trainer has had you do? I've only had one session and we are having our 2nd session tomorrow. I am excited about doing this- I think it makes for happier dogs! I would really love to hear about your experience.
