Anne & Loki


Omaha, NE

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We live in Omaha, NE.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have a male tri-color year old Pembroke named Loki. We got him in Dec 2008. We had a female sable Pembroke named Libby for 14 years. She went to doggie heaven in Aug. 2008, we miss her still.
I have:

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  • Mama2Three

    Hey Anne missed you this last sunday. We are going to do the next one on August 15. I think we will have a good turn out. There was only myself and Judith that came to the meeting. We interacted with a lot of other dogs that were there.
  • Mama2Three

    Wow you guys are busy. Yeah put that on your calender. Yeah I haven't been able to do the block party. I started a new job and have been really busy. Plus you are right, it is way too hard to get everyone together.

    Have fun in NC!
  • Mama2Three

    Thanks for the congrats. I am a general manager for a convenience store and I just switched companies. Yeah that would be pretty funny with all those corgis!