Carol Tippit Woolworth


Wilmington, DE

United States

Profile Information:

Santa Barbara
About Me:
I am a graphic and fine art artist. And I LOVE Corgis! Oh, and have been married for 24 years...
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have just adopted Bridget, a tri rescue, and are in love. She's very cautious and mature at 18 months, and needs to learn how to play! We're working on it! We have had 2 other corgis. Shorty, and Winnie, who just passed away and was a star in her wheelchair!
I have:

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  • Helen

    Hi, don't rush me, I just got our internet service up and running after 2 weeks of snafus. There will be photos of Corky soon enough! Love your pics. Love Helen
  • Helen

    Man, that sounds tough, carrying Corky from room to room, yikes. I'll get strong, that's for sure or have major back problems, one or the other. What's that thing you used to help Shorty up the stairs? Where do you get one or did you make it?
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin

    Thanks for being my new friend, how have you been?(: