Nancy & Owen

44, Female

Kirkland, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi everyone! I'm a new dog owner and would appreciate any advise any of you have to throw my way!
About My Corgi(s):
Owen is a 7 month-old red and white/sable Pembroke Welsh corgi. He arrived home on May 23, 2008 and we're just getting to know each other! So far, Owen is a friendly, happy little guy but he's afraid of new situations such as walking on a leash outside (I think he's afraid of the cars) and is attached to his pen area and retreats there whenever he feels uncomfortable (such as when he sees the dreaded vacuum cleaner monster) :P Over time, he's gotten use to seeing cars, but sometimes will stop and look anxious (or other times run about wildly) if a bus or truck go by. He loves to meet new people and dogs though. I just started bringing him to a new puppy school out in the country (the old one didn't work for us because it was in the city and they didn't allow playtime) - and he loves it! He also had a great time playing with other corgis and enjoys going to corgi meetups. I noticed that he likes to herd other corgis, hehe. It's been a wonderful, yet at many times trying, experience having him in my life thus far. He's gradually taught me to be a more patient person :) I would love to eventually have him do agility when he's older since he seems like he has the personality for it.

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  • Anne

    Thanks for the comments about Le-Le. There was a blog discussion 'pembrokes versus cardigans' back in April/May under Basic Breed Info. I searched under the forum section and found it. Might want to look there if you want other members see as the difference between the breed.
  • Ein Danger

    hi nancy! hi owen! i think ein might have some sable in him after browsing owen's pics :) though ein's mostly red & white he has been getting black hairs on his back and they're getting darker on his forehead! owen has such great markings :)
  • David E. Schnittke

    It says its your Birthday so Happy Birthday!
    David and Elvis