



Profile Information:

Paris (France)
About Me:
Hello !
I'm French, living in Japan (because my husband is Japanese), and I have 1 daughter (21 years old) and 2 Welsh Corgis.
We live in north Japan: Sendai city. (350km north from Tokyo)
I've never lived in an English speaking country, that's why my English isn't very good, but I want to try MyCorgi because I'm so happy to know people who, like me, like Corgis !
There is very few Corgis in France, and nothing like this community.
I enjoy very much looking all your Corgi photos, thank you !
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Nana: Welsh Corgi Pembroke, 10 years old
(born in north Japan, Iwate prefecture)
Nana is the "BOSS" !

Uyanga: Welsh Corgi Cardigan, 5 years old
(born in France, Bourgogne)
Uyanga is...always happy !
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Cynthia + Griffey + Charlie

    Griffey and Charlie are sending prayers your way.
  • CorGeek

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of the people of Japan.
  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you Florence