Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

58, Female

Hollywood, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Chicago- Northwest Suburbs
About Me:
I moved to South Florida in the fall of 2005. I manage an embroidery and silk screening company. I bought my first home in September 2008, and got my first Corgi in November 2008. Now I have another from the same breeder- Celeste. My family is still up in Chicago.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Nutmeg was born 9/14/08. Cinnamon 9/12/09. I found them online through http://celestialstarkennel.com/pages/Home.

I picked both up at the Corgi picnics, this year and last, where I was able to see a whole bunch of Corgi's at many stages of life.

Having Nutmeg who is the love of my life has really opened my eyes to the breed. I just had to get another for Nutty to play with. Cinnamon is going to be just great! Now we are complete....except for that man....hmmmm....
I have:

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  • Ein (owners: Dave and Cali)

    Was very nice meeting you at the Pet Expo!!!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday!

  • Cintia and Mr. Spock

    Cinny has the same Dad than M.S; Little Man, and the dam is Blue. 

    The best thing I did was to get M.S from Celeste, I will get another from her whenever we are ready for a second corgi.