Johnny and Zero


Papillion, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Papillion, NE
About Me:
I'm 21 and live with my fiance Carl. Zero is my baby and we both love him very much. He's always there for a cuddle and a kiss and can make us happy even on the worst of days.

Eventually I want to get a Cardigan and Swedish Vallhund as well.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Contrary to popular belief, Zero was not named after the ghost dog in Nightmare Before Christmas. I named him after a character of mine who was named after my favorite Smashing Pumpkins song.
Zero is a tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi. His birthday is January 11th. He's an absolute pro at making bizarre noises and even talks on occasion. I've heard him say, "YAHOO" and "YEAH", though both only once and completely unrelated to what was happening. However, he says "a-hoouura", "a-goooo", "whirr-err-err", and "brrrrrrr" very often as well as a very clear "boof" (as in "boo", not "buh") instead of "woof".
He is the best dog ever and really loves his mummy, daddy, and granny as well as his little brother Brodie, an Australian terrier.
I have:

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  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Your corgi is darling. I live in Millard and have a corgi too.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Zero is so darling. I so want a little boy that looks just like him. Where did you get him? We have to get together this spring/summer and have the pups hang out!
  • Teresa

    Happy Birthday.