

South Riding, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Washington, DC
About Me:
I am married and live with my Husband and Nick in South Riding, VA.
About My Corgi(s):
I have a male Corgi named Nick. He is nine months old and just a joy!

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  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    hi julia.. where have you been? just a quick update.. yogi is doing super with crate training. He also is walking on the leash much much better. He is such a smart little fellow. my daughter says he listens to her husband better than her. but he is learning his place in the household. watching him "progess" makes me want another one. LOL Gail.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Good to hear from you Julia!! Sounds like you are a very busy lady.. I admire you for working and going to school. I have done it for years. Then when my daughter got married I took a break... and two years later.. I need to get back in. We took Gizmo and Yogi to the beach yesterday.. Giz had never seen the beach and of course it was a new thing for Yogi. However, to my surprise.. they did great. Alot of dogs were there and it was a great socializing experience. Gizmo sort of "watched" the other dogs playing with yogi.. almost in a protective way.. but never a bark or growl. I was really proud of him. He also swam like he has always done it.. and little yogi.. what a brave little guy - he followed suit right along with Giz. They slept like rocks on the way home.. LOL. my e-mail is jmcnally3@cfl.rr.com I appreciate your info.. and don't feel rushed or anything.. I certainly understand your demanding schedule. I know Nick's surgery is coming up.. Are you going to take a few days off with him? The drooling thing.. could it be at certain times like when you all are eating or if he "wants" something? I know Chance does that when we have something that he wants.. It drives me nuts.. but I haven't been able to stop it. LOL great to hear from you.. take care. Gail
  • Lauren + Winston