Trish Ray


Vernon Rockville, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I teach math to children who have problems with it at mathasium in Glastonbury. I love corgi's my first was from a shelter in Woodbridge, she was found wondering and I saw her put in an application and she was mine. She has since gone to the rainbow bridge but I now have Rosie a fluffy who is a silly girl. I also have two havanese Mo and Molly and two cats Beau and Dara. We play soccer in the backyard and have some agility pieces that everyone loves to play with.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Rosie is a fluffy corgi who loves to play soccer. She has perfect control and sends the ball flying across the yard. Fortunately she has Mo who can often get the ball out from under the bushes when she pushes the ball there. Then there is Molly who tries to play but mostly runs around behind Mo and Rosie barking (we call her the cheerleader)
I have:

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