


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a single momma with three fur-children, Scooter, Maxwell, & Kipper who I adore and love dearly.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Three "Boyz" - Scooter, Maxwell, & Kipper, are very fun, loving, loyal companions who keep me on my toes all the time. I truly enjoy them!!!!
I have:

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  • Robyn

    sorry about scooter. it gets easier to handle with time, i lost my last corgi to kidney failure. just remember how much scooter loves you & what a great loving life you gave him.
    ur in our thoughts,
    robyn, lowlow, & torque
  • Robyn

    it's hard losing someone you love so much, i know u understand when i say they r not dogs but a child. i invested so much of my soul in my last corgi, gizmo. it felt like someone tore my heart out when gizmo passed. i felt robbed & i hated life. it still hurts but the pain eases up. scooter loves u so very much & i'm sure if he could say thank you he would.
    thank you, i love my little girls
  • Robyn

    i couldn't agree more. such a wonderful companion
    hope ur weekend goes well