Stacia & **Toby**

Quincy, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live with my best friend, Toby. He is a very hyper corgi who loves to cuddle almost as much as he loves to wrestle. I can't get over how excited he is about EVERYTHING! He is a handful, but ever since I laid eyes on him I knew I couldn't live without him <3

^^ My dog brings out the weird in me, for sure.^^
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Toby is now 2 years old!! He has a mind of his own, to say the least. He is so clever. He listens for treats and otherwise, he is much more my boss than I am his... He's got such an awesome personality though (when he's not being defiant haha)! He still loves everything and everyone.
I have:

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  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome. Toby is a handsome guy! Love the ears!!
  • Ed and Michelle

    No other corgi,that is our Jack! He is a small guy, 16lbs. Bella is our misbehavin doxi. :)
  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi stacia,  Toby sounds like my Randy, an alpha boy.  We have struggled over who is incharge from the beginning and he is so hyper.  I ended up getting him a friend (Reese, corgi mix I think) who had been in shelters but she was terribly ill when we got her but she is well now and has a will of her own.  She isn't as active as Randy is but she is someone to play with.  Randy just passed 2 in October and seems to be calming just a little bit!! So I am hoping for a calmer still wonderful randy.  Like Toby, he is very lovable but is still too much for guests.  I am still working on that.  Lois