Gail and Ashton


Moses Lake, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Moses Lake
About Me:
I've been working in vet med since 1997. First as a veterinary technician which was a career I absolutely loved. Unfortunately for me I was diagnosed with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis which lead to me becoming legally disabled. Unable to continue the physical work as a technician I became the Practice Manager of the vet clinic.

I am married to a wonderful man named John and our "kids" include a three-legged Black/Tan Tabby named Jet, a PWC named Alphonse and the newest addition a PWC named Pinoko.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Born November 17, 2008, Ashton is my red and white male Pembroke.

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 5, 2019.

Ashton loves ice cubes, playing fetch, agility, herding, obedience, coursing and swimming. He loves meeting new people and dogs, everyone is a friend.

Currently Ashton has received his RN (Rally Novice), RA (Rally Advanced), RE (Rally Excellent), NA (Novice Agility), OA (Open Agility), NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers), BN (Beginning Novice Obedience), CD (Novice Obedience), CA (Coursing Ability), PT (Pre-Trial Herding), CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and PHC (Pembroke Herding Instinct Certified) Titles and Certificates. Ashton is involved in lessons in Rally, Agility, Herding, Coursing and Obedience and is the example dog in our kennel club's companion obedience class. He is still Mr. Popularity at the vet clinic and finds no shortage of love from my co-workers and clients.

He loves a good road trip and has traveled throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California and ventured north of the border to British Columbia. He lives such a jet set lifestyle.

Ashton is a big brother again! His new little sister came from the same breeder and was born October 20, 2012, Her name is Pinoko. She is so cute! She is a Red-headed Tri and she'll join her big brothers in performance events when she gets a bit bigger. Our little family is growing by leaps and bounds!
I have:

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  • Worthington Natalia

    Thank you, Gail, for the kind and encouraging words.

  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

    Hi Gail, thanks for the tip! I added the Good Citizen logo to my page! :)

    I LOVE all your photos!! My favorite is the surfboard one with the Hawaiian lei!! Ashton is absolutely adorable! 

  • N a t h a n & L u f f y

    Hi Gail, thanks for the comment!  Luffy really does love to herd!  It was sooo amazing watching him! I love your furbabies names lol!