

Burlingame, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
A follower of Jesus Christ, mother of a nine-year old, and a Corgi-lover, of course.
About My Corgi(s):
Bella (female) was born 5-31-2005, and has a sweet and fun-loving personality. She loves curling up next to us, rides in the car, playing fetch, walks, and playing with other friendly dogs.

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  • Elaine

    Sable is four years old--but I had to give him to someone in the aera after I became injured, because I couldn't care for him anymore.

    However, because I had turned a friend of mine onto corgis, when she was looking for a dog, she got a corgi! In fact, they visited me last week, and are working on their canine freestyle moves!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. Glad you could join.
  • Elaine

    Sable was a pup when I had him--the pics are when he was about five months old--I got him at 14 weeks.