

Brockton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I like the outdoors and riding in my jeep in the summer with my corgi toby!
About My Corgi(s):
I love my corgi she is my life! she has been a joy and alot of work and vet bills due to allergies but worth every cent.

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  • Molly Jane!

    HEHE- She is just like Toby. She got her haircut a couple of times and the gave her a buzzz all over. She loved it, but the funny thing is that it grows back in different color stages. They have a double or triple layer to their coats. So In the beginning she was really white and then had a black stripe down her spine. As the hair grew back out it became blond all over and then started turning back her her normal color. She was a trip! Their fur is interesting when they get the buzz cut. Its like a stuffed animal. Toby is CUTE! A face just like Molly's!
  • Pepper

    Hi Tracy and Toby!

    I'm Tori, also from Brockton; I found you while browsing through the site and am happy to hear that there's another MyCorgi in town! I'm a part of the Boston Corgi group ( and there's been chatter about a meet-up on the Commons next weekend. We should take the commuter rail in with our pups! I'm sure our little girls would be quite a sight on the train :). Anyway, if next weekend isn't good, I'd love to plan a meetup at Borderland or D.W. Fields sometime. Let me know!
  • Pepper

    Hi again Tracy,

    I'm bad about replying sometimes...which I'm sure you can see since you wrote me in July and I'm just getting back to you. I'd love to get the pups together for a walk. Do you ever go to Borderland in Easton? We'll be a bit busy this weekend, but next Sunday might be good for us. Just let me know!