Debbie, Sadie & Joey

Grand Prairie, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I like to scrapbook, go to movies and just hang out and have fun with family and friends. I have always treated my dogs like my children. Friends have told me they want to be one of my dogs in their next life :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My puppie's name is Sadie. She is presently 10 months old. She is FULL of energy and never wears down. She loves her toys and will play with you as long as you can hold up! Sadie has a lot of people that adore her. She is little Miss Personality Plus! Sadie is my first purebred Corgi. My previous baby was a Corgi/Chow mix I found wandering the streets at 8 weeks old. I was blessed to have him another 14 years. Now I am blessed to have my sweet little Sadie. She is still in her puppyhood and she is a pistol for sure. And we love her to pieces! We plan to get another dog soon. We have enough love in our hearts for another family member. ***update Jan. 2010 We added our precious baby Joey to our family. He is a 3 month old Fluffy and we are all so happy he is here!!!
I have:

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  • Bev Levy

    Thanks for your comment. Your corgis are so beautiful! The dobe, Misty, was my son's dog until he decided to make a career change, sell his house and go back to college to get a PHD. She is a very sweet, big, lap dog so I could not bear to see her homeless and I sort of forced my husband to allow us to adopt her. Sparty doesn't like her much but tolerates her because I make him and Izzy seems to love her. It makes for a strange looking crew but they are all fun. Love my animals and my kids are all grown so I have the time. Thanks again,  Bev
  • Katie & GiGi

    Thank you as well! And yes they sure are the greatest (:
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Debbie, Sadie and Joey!!!