
50, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Downs, Illionis
About Me:
I own a home-based business and mother of 2. I worked as a Veterinary assistant for 10 years, before becoming a parent, and then choose to stay home with my children, and start my own business. I have owned rescues all my adult life and Roxie is our new Cardigan Welsh Corgi mix. We lost our beloved Lab mix a year ago and I was feeling that the family was ready for a new dog. Searching the internet for Corgi mixes is where I started and the rest is history.
About My Corgi(s):
My Cardigan Welsh Corgi Mix is a Shelter Rescue. She was surrendered by her owner for jumping on her and her children. When in all actuality the owner just wanted a "toy breed" and went out the next week and purchase $300 Pomeranian. I find it so disheartening that some humans feel animals' are disposable. No longer the cute puppy they took on. The dog becomes work and therefore disposable. I will never understand this mentality or understand why people feel the need to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on a dog. This practice just encourages puppy mills and over breeding. I believe in rescue and that all dogs deserve a loving home to grow old in.

Roxie is just one of the lucky ones - rescued from a over crowded shelter, infested with fleas, suffering from internal parasites, and itching from ringworm a fungal skin infection. We decided to save her from the shelter. With all the love an affection in her little body she has thanked us every day. Rescue is the only way to go.

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