Amy Freed


Alanson, MI

United States

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About Me:
A new journey begins today (4/16/11) with the adoption of Harley. My girl friend and I picked him up from a former breeder whose step daughter owned him, but was being deployed. We drove to a horse show about 35 miles from home to get him. I feel so much better and the hole that was left by MaGuire's passing has started to heal. I have a "new" little one:)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Harley is 3 years old and is much quieter than I expected. He's a red-headed, Tri and very soft. And he's in need of a bath, some of his shots and some rest. We will need to get adjusted to each other, but I'm so thankful to have him. I got him a new bed and chicken/rice dog food for his homecoming.
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday Amy!

  • Lois B. Allen

    Happy Birthday Amy.  I hope you and your critters are doing better.  I will you a good year.  Say hello to Mr. Harley and tell him that Randy wishes him well.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you are all doing well!!!! Hope to hear from you soon. :)