Lennart Ölund

Profile Information:

holmsund sweden
About Me:
I am 66 years old and live with my wife in the village Holmsund in the northen part of Sweden. Holmsund is situated about 650km north of Stockholm.
We have about 500 meter to the Golf of Botnia
About My Corgi(s):
We have a 5 years old bluemerle male called Macay. He is our fourth Cardigan. We bought our first Cardigan 1979 he was called Buster

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  • Anne

    your cardigans are very beautiful. Love to see other pictures. This is our first cardigan but my parents & grandparents have had several pembrokes.
  • Christine Glossman

    Greetings from South of France,
    That water looks very cold! Your dogs are very handsome. Pumpkin was born in N. Carolina and lived in Florida for 5 years. Now she's just loving life on the Riviera.
  • Bonnie Mills

    Your Corgi's are just lovely. I must say Blue merles are my fave.