
44, Female

north metro Atlanta

United States

Profile Information:

north metro Atlanta region
About Me:
My first "baby" is our Pem, Ein (pronounced like Einstein). For any anime lovers out there, the answer is "Yes, he is named after the corgi in Cowboy Bebop." We currently have three dogs. In addition to Ein, we have a rescue lab mix named Tucker and a rescue collie named Colleen.

I am an architectural drafstman by day and a jewelry maker by night. I run a shop called CorgiCreations at Etsy, and I also run a blog ( Currently, I'm working in commercial architecture, due to the lull in the housing market, but I hope to get back to residential design asap. When I'm not working (or commuting 1.5 hours each way), I enjoy making jewelry (of course) and doing cross stitch. I'm currently an active member of Weight Watchers, so I spend a good share of time on the treadmill, as well.
About My Corgi(s):
Ein is a very special little corgi. The AKC would consider him to have "faults", but to us, they are what makes him stand out in a crowd and make him who he is.

Ein is a black headed tri, which seems to be rare enough, based on all the corgis that I've seen where I live. But on top of that, he's a bluie. Ein's coat is more of a dark charcoal grey than a true black, and he has lovely grey eyes. He also has an ultra soft coat. It's not as soft and luxurious as his puppy coat was, but he is much softer than his "uncle" ( a red headed tri owned by my SO's father)

To make Ein even more noticeable in a crowd than his color, he is also a "one ear". He's got one ear that stands up and one that it is floppy.

Now on to personality: Ein is a stubborn boy. "I'm the boss" "I have to be first" He loves to play-grumble. He'll pretend that he doesn't like belly rubs by grumbling at you when you do it, but meanwhile he's closing his eyes and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. He has this "tough guy" image that he puts on, but deep down, he's a real sweetheart. He's great to cuddle and snuggle.

Ein has been banned from stuffed animals, as he loves to disembowel them and spread stuffing from one end of the house to another. Which wasn't a problem until we adopted Tucker, who likes to eat the stuffing. Which means that when he goes potty, we have to put on gloves and pull long pieces of cloth out of his rear end. Ugh. His favorite games are "keep away" and "tug of war". He'll play tug of war with anything from a rope to a ball. He actually loves it so much that you can lift him up off the ground by the rope. "Keep away" is a game in which he brings you (or one of the other dogs) a toy and teases you with it. Says, "I know you want this. Come get it and play with me." And as soon as you reach for it and get close to it, he grumbles, grabs the toy if he's put it down, and runs off. Then he'll come back and do it all again.

Never a dull moment with my boy around, that's for sure.

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  • Kimberly

    Nicole thanks for joining our new "Blue" group. Please spread the word that we are here. I can't wait to see all the little blues out there.

    Kim and Sweetie
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Hi Ein and Nicole!!!
    Thank for the invite! Pengu and Ein do look kind of alike!!! Cool! Pengu also does that crazy grumble play too! It is so weird!
  • carrie eisenman

    where did you get your blui?