Amanda Poon


San Francisco

United States

Profile Information:

San Francisco, CA
About Me:
I'm a student working toward my BME at SFSU. I've wanted a Corgi for a while and I finally got my wish in July 2008.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cow is the best dog I could've hoped for. He's friendly to everyone and will always greet you at the door, nub wagging. Surprisingly, he doesn't bark that much. He is a busy body and is very nosy, always needing to know what everyone is up to.
I have:

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  • Linda and Kaijuu Le

    haha he was there ... with the red snowman bandanna and body harness! did you take Cow to take pictures of santa claus? ahah that took forever to the the prints ! :[
  • Karen & Bailey

    h i knew u guys looked familiar!! =P hahaha yepp cow's probably the only corgi bailey's really EVER wrestled with. he usually prefers bigger dogs! nice seeing u too.

    nope, we didint enter any contests... hahhahaha but i know he wouldve done well in the limbo and the backpack thing!
  • Heather Bishop Jasso

    Thank you, yours is very adorable too.