Roxy B


San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have many hats...
I am a nursing student at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio. I am trying very hard to do well. :) I am pretty sure I want to work in the operating room after i graduate. Though I'm only half way through with school, so who knows what i'll end up doing!
I am also engaged to a fantastic guy. I invoked the magic of 'you-find-the-ONE-only-when-you-aren't-looking' right before I began nursing school. I really think that if you are desperate for love, you'll settle, as I have done before. This time... I decided. :)
More to come...
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We adopted Honey from my grandparents this winter. My grandparents had another Corgi and they fought all the time. She is 6 years old. Now we are trying to help her socialize properly to other dogs... its been a L-O-N-G process. She is finally adjusting to having a feline housemate (and vice versa).
I have:

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  • Max & Cody

    Welcome!....Good to see other SA Corgi Owners
  • Jane Christensen

    If she is having health issues it is important to keep her weight at a minimum:)
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome to the group, so glad you could join us!  Sorry for the late welcome, I've been quite busy starting up my small business in addition to my full time job :)