Sam & Maximus


Eagle River, AK

United States

Profile Information:

Eagle River, AK
About Me:
My husband our son and I live in Alaska. We love both our winter and summer out door activities. We have had little Max for a year now and he has fit right in. We try to stay active so that works out good for our little Corgi Butt.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Max was born on October 23, 2007. He is a Sable Pembroke Welch Corgi. He came to us from South Dakota when he was 8 weeks old. Little guy flew over 9 hours to get to us. He is, of coarse, very active, very sweet and has quite an attitude all at once. Max loves to spend time at our cabin running through the Corgi snow caves and chasing the birds and snowmachines. Max has now had the chance to experience summer. He has continued to chase the birds, although some have chased him also, gotta watch those owls, ravens and eagles, had to chase them off a few times. He has also chased the salmon in the creek, that doesn't last too long, they zip off too fast. Max is growing in to a very sweet, smart little guy. He is obeying very well most of the time and enjoys being with the family. He especially loves his new "Doggles" he wears when riding on the 4 wheeler. He is extremely vocal, I just love the way he talks to us. Sometimes it sounds like he's actually speaking real words.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi!! How are you doing? Hope all is well.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Long time no talk!! Looks like you added a few new pics. Max looks like hes staying cool this summer like Lance is too! Hope all is well

  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Been awhile since I've heard from ya. How was Max's summer? Murphy had a pretty good summer, we had planned on getting a fence so he could run and play in the yard, but we couldn't afford it yet, but next year we probably will. But we did take him to parks and creeks and to play with other dogs that he knows. So I'd say he had a good summer. Hope everything is well with you guys.